Tuesday, November 15, 2011

$.75 Honey Nut Cheerios at Kroger

Kroger is having a decent sale this week.  We were almost out of cereal and granola bars so I was happy to be able to stock up.  When you buy 4 participating General Mills cereals(or other GM products), you get $3 off your order. 

Here's what I did:
Buy 4 Honey Nut Cheerios @ 4/$10
-$3 for GM promotion
=4/$7 or $1.75 per box
Use 4 $.50 off Honey Nut Cheerios printable

There is a limit to 8 participating items per transaction.

It's also a great time to stock up on Nature Valley Granola bars and Fiber One Chewy bars.  You can get these for $.75-$.95 per box with coupons from the Sunday inserts(General Mills insert from 10/2/11 and 11/13/11).

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